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The annual “State of the Cloud” reports has been one of our many sources in understanding the market trends, drivers, concerns, and challenges of cloud infrastructure. Flexera, the company behind the reports, has also written an e-book on “Six steps to Multi-Cloud” where they highlight how and why it is crucial to have a multi-cloud strategy to stay competitive and not falling behind.
Key takeaways: Maintain vendor leverage, Leverage existing investments, Resilient architecture, Optimize cloud spend (Cost), and Governance/compliance
To migrate, you need to re-think infrastructure design. You need to fast-forward into containers (split multi-functional servers into smaller micro-services), you need to build up a cloud orchestrater software (like Kubernetes or Openshift), you need to set up automated load-balancers and deployment tools like Terraform.
Throw away the thoughts of infrastructure being boxes, switches, and firewalls – The world has moved on, and so should you. Numerous redundancy levels of hardware and the physical layers of infrastructure have all become logical and moved up to the software layer. Your DevOps are probably already working with container solutions like Docker, and the way forward is to build expertise on Cloud Management. You can have a breathing infrastructure that automatically increases and decreases all microservices, with all the needed resources, on-demand. When your employees, or customers, are done for the day, you can have the Orchestrator run the infrastructure down to a minimum and save the cost!
Imagine having a system that automatically adds 10x the capacity when needed, based on your set of orders. Imagine “Black Friday” issues being something in the past.
Klikk.com’s (IaaS) cloud infrastructure platform is ready to take you on. We deliver API-enabled Cloud Infrastructure with hourly rates.