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GDPR may be perceived as the ultimate protection regime of our own very personal data… At least it’s a step in the right direction.
Referring to our data, by instinct, we think of our documents and photos, sometimes even comments we’ve left online, likes of certain subjects/posts and some even think of our profiles on numerous social media platforms that we probably have left with too much information.
Some profiles you might even consider to be gone instinct along with a SoMe or dating-platform that went bankrupt (or out of fashion) decades ago.. you don’t even recall the name of the platform, but what about the information you left behind?
All of which is what most of us define as the “data” – the data we would list up if we ever had the time and a VERY good memory… but is that all?
From fossbytes.com: Edward Snowden Says EU’s GDPR Gives A False Sense Of Reassurance
No, it’s not…. enter Mr. Big Data.
Analyzing all the data we thought was bygones, deleted forever, lost in time or in some other way never to be related to us again. The data between our private data, all the things we never told anyone, nor wrote down, yet through analytics of all we did write, stored, liked, followed, etc. Profiles we’ve had where we at our very best tried to describe our selves (think back…)
What if an A.I. (Artificial Intelligence/Robot) was to go through all of that, and give someone else a better understanding of what we are, what we like, what we are likely to buy or where we would like to travel.. knowing us at our best, – and worst, better than we know ourselves?
That is Big Data and it’s happening now. This is why we need GDPR. We need European providers, and we need to bring our data back home. Hopefully, KLIKK.com will be one of many.